Configuring UI for your devices

If you want UI that is displayed when you have a device selected, there are two approaches, using Standard/Data Driven UI, or providing a custom widget. Both can be provided, or neither.

Using Standard UI

This is our advised flow - you can provide button data in your device's item executor, and a widget will be automatically created, in the standardised style. As you modify the data, the widget will be updated automatically to reflect the changes.

This step is outlined in Configure the โ€œbutton dataโ€.

If you don't provide button data for your item executor (if you don't implement the M2_UsesStandardButtonsInterface and mark it as true), this widget on the bottom left won't be added.

Using a custom widget

If you want to arrange things in a more bespoke way, you can provide a custom widget, inheriting the J_QuickbarExecutorWidget class.

You can provide this either in your item's use item details (in the QuickbarWidgetClass field), or in your item executor's OverrideWidgetClass.

The Quickbar Executor Widget has the Notify Executor Ready event, which can be used to get the executor that is controlling the item's behavior, and so listen to it, or notify it of UI interaction events.

Last updated