Morpheus Array

This feature is currently in Beta.


This document covers when and how to use a UMorpheusArray in Blueprints and the current limitations it has.

Morpheus Array

A UMorpheusArray is a generic replicated container that can be used to efficiently replicate array updates.

UMorpheusArray is only replicated in Foreground and supports any type that a replicated TArray supports.

When to use a Morpheus Array vs normal Arrays?

A Morpheus Array is preferred to be used when:

  • You expect your array to contain 1000s of elements with frequent changes.

  • You need to know when a specific index has been updated in the array.

An example use case can be when you want to keep track of some data for each actor in the game and that data can change during runtime. (e.g Super Emotes)

Using a Morpheus Array in Blueprints

In order to start using a Morpheus Array in Blueprints you do the following:

  • Open your Blueprint that derives from either a MorpheusActor or a MorpheusActorComponent

  • Add a variable to your Blueprint and give it the type Morpheus Array

  • In the variable Details Panel on the right, select the Morpheus Array Inner Type to be your desired type of that Morpheus Array variable.

  • Don't forget to set the Morpheus Array variable to be Replicated

  • Now drag and drop the variable into the BP graph to start using your Morpheus Array using the Morpheus Array specific nodes shown under the Morpheus Array category.

Example Blueprint Usages

Since UMorpheusArray is a replicated type it also supports rep notifies and they do fire even if a single element was updated.

But additionally UMorpheusArray has a couple of helper functions that you can use in the OnRep to know the exact replication changes that we received.

  • UMorpheusArray::OnRepUpdatedIndices() which returns an array of the indices that have been updated by the last replication event.

  • UMorpheusArray::OnRepDeletedIndices() which returns an array of the indices that have been deleted by the last replication event.

With these functions, users can be aware of the changes that happened to the array, rather than having to figure out any changes manually

Example usage:


  1. AMorpheusActors that own a UMorpheusArray and aren’t in Foreground will still need to checkout the whole array once they enter Foreground. In which case, a UMorpheusArray will not be replicated efficiently.

  2. Using the Get node and the ToArray nodes in Blueprints will currently return copies of the values inside the UMorpheusArray so bear in that in mind if performance is a concern.

  3. Debugging a UMorpheusArray may not be trivial as the data is stored internally as a raw byte buffer so you might need to write extra code to view the contents of the UMorpheusArray while debugging it.

Last updated