๐Start a world
Worlds are live virtual spaces that are started and managed from the metaverse dashboard
To find your metaverse dashboard, see Dashboard
From your metaverse dashboard, click the ๐ Launch world button in the top-right
Configurable options include:
selecting a different map,
changing the mod (allowing you to launching your own upload maps or someone else's),
change the duration your world will run for,
adding role groups (letting you invite guests!),
adding bots (fake players)
After few seconds, you should be redirected to your world page.
Your world will be ๐ Starting up for a couple of minutes while servers are provisioned for you.
Once your world is โช๏ธ Live, you can click any of the button on the right hand side of the screen to connecting to your world.
Download (only accessible on Windows) - get a native Windows client application
Launch GFN / UBT - launch a web-based streaming client via our 3rd party providers
Remember that a world's image/name/description/long package name will only be visible to developers with permissions to see mods. This information will not be user-facing.
If you're feeling lonely, you can try Adding bots to a world
Capacity Management & Queuing
Capacity management & Queuing can be used to cap the number of users able to inhabit a world and manage the rate in which users are able to join.
To enable capacity management on a world press the Enable button on the Capacity row of the world controls. Capacity is defined as the maximum number of available seats in a World.
When you enable Capacity you shall be asked to set an initial limit. The Capacity defines the maximum amount of active users that can be in a world. Any further users that attempt to join the world will need to wait until a seat becomes available by an active user leaving the world for over 5 minutes.
To manually control the flow of users into a world you must enable the queue. This is done by using the toggle next to the queue control. Once the queue is enabled you can manually add users to the world by clicking the Add Users button. It is possible to add a specific number of users or to add as many queueing users as possible (up to the capacity limit).
Capacity can only be used to manage players entering through streaming - not downloaded clients.
Capacity is only tracked from the point you enable - for example if there are 500 players in a world and then capacity is enabled and initially set to 1000 then a further 1000 players could join bringing the total to 1,500. Therefore if you plan to use capacity for a world you should enable it immediately.
Last updated