Quickbar & Inventory Tabs

The tabbed quickbar is an Alpha feature, and can be turned off by setting the live config flag Inventory.UseTabbedQuickbar to false.


The quickbar is a generic shortcut interface for the items a user may hold. The tabbed interface categorizes the items and adapts to gameplay changes, while allowing projects to easily customize it.

Main features include:

  • Item filtering per-tab

  • Changing tab visibility based on runtime conditions

  • Managing tab items through an inventory view

Widget overview

  1. A quickbar tab (a M2_StandardButtonWidget, with the button data defined in a M2_QuickbarTabBase)

  2. A quickbar wrapper (containing a M2_ItemQuickbarWidget)

  3. A quickbar slot widget (created and managed by the M2_ItemQuickbarWidget)

  4. A non-quickbar button (the Inventory button in this case)

  5. A generic item control container (an Overlay inside WBP_AdditionalQuickbarWidgets populated with the current item's controls)

Details on how to customize (1) Quickbar tabs are under Adding/removing available tabs & Creating a new tab type

Details on how to customize the rest of the widgets are under Customizing the quickbar's appearance


Adding/removing available tabs

  1. Create or find the M2M_TabbedQuickbarComponent on your Player Character Morpheus Actor blueprint

  2. With the component selected, find the Tabs Data array under the M2-Inventory category, and assign the desired tab classes. (See Creating a new tab type to make a new tab class)

The TabsData array on this component will be referenced by WBP_QuickbarTabManager when constructing the required widgets.

Creating a new tab type

Create a BP inheriting from M2_QuickbarTabBase

  1. Assign the Quickbar Wrapper class

  2. Fill in the custom button data

  3. Set miscellaneous toggles

    1. Show In Inventory - if true, this tab will have a category in the inventory as well

    2. Force Hide - if true, the tab will be ignored and won't be shown in the quickbar or the inventory screen (see also Adding/removing available tabs -> Force-hiding tabs)

  4. Optional - Runtime visibility conditions

    You can conditionally modify a tab's visibility by overriding the CanDisplay function. The UpdateVisibility function on the tab must be called whenever the display conditions might've changed.

Customizing the quickbar's appearance

Config variables available in WBP_TabbedQuickbarUI (as of March 2024):

  • Force Hide Inventory View - hides the inventory button (right side of quickbar)

  • Force Hide Place View - hides the place mode tab

  • Force Hide Unequip View - hides the unequip button (left side of quickbar)

  • Force Hide Separator Left/Right - hides the vertical bars on each side of the quickbar

  • Force Hide Quickbar Background - hides the background on the quickbar

  • Quickbar Background Color - sets the quickbar's background color (does not affect the tab button colors!)

  • Hidden/Visible Separator Size - used for the separator's spacings when visible/hidden

These variables should be set through the equivalent variables on the WBP_ItemManagement widget in the HUD

Changing the item slot appearance in quickbar wrapper widgets

  1. Extend from WBP_EquipmentQuickbarWidget or WBP_PlaceModeQuickbarWidget

  2. Replace OverrideQuickbarSlotClass with your own slot class

  3. Use your new quickbar wrapper in your M2_QuickbarTabBase BPs, and include this tab in the QuickbarTabManager's TabsData

Change the position of the item controls

  1. Create a blueprint extending from M2_AdditionalQuickbarWidgets

  2. Ensure this widget will always have these overlays: ControlsContainer, FullscreenWidgetContainer. These will be referenced by the quickbar wrappers and their M2_ItemQuickbarWidgets

  3. Replace the AdditionalQuickbarWidgets in your TabbedQuickbarUI with the new version

Last updated