
Worlds are live virtual spaces that are started and managed from the metaverse dashboard

Starting Worlds

From your metaverse dashboard, click the ๐Ÿš€ Launch world button in the top-right

Configurable options include:

  • selecting a different map,

  • changing the mod (allowing you to launch your own upload maps or someone else's),

  • changing the duration your world will run for,

  • adding role groups (letting you invite guests!),

  • adding bots (fake players)

After few seconds, you should be redirected to your world page.

Your world will be ๐Ÿ• Starting for a couple of minutes while servers are provisioned.

Managing Worlds

The World Page is where you can see the state of any worlds within your project. A world may be in one of 5 phases: Inactive, Starting, Active, Stopping and Error. Using the navigation bar on the left you can switch between different worlds within the project.

Displayed at the top of the World Page you can see critical information such as the Name, unique ID and Status indicators for your world. These indicators should help you understand the state of the world at a quick glance. On the right of the top bar is access to the Connect Page and the control for Starting/Stopping your world.


The general tab allows you to configure important settings before your world gets launched. This includes:

  • Name, Description and Image

  • The content running in the world

  • Size of the world - this should be determined by the number of players you are expecting

  • How long the world will run for

Besides the Name, Description and Image, the other settings may only be modified when the world is not running.

Remember that a world's image/name/description/long package name will only be visible to developers with permissions to see mods. This information will not be user-facing.


Configure who can access your world; if it is publicly accessible and also set up Guest Links.


The operations tab is your home of where to configure the live running status of the world. From here you may configure:

Live Config

Live config is a system that lets you edit config settings here that are propagated to the Unreal clients and servers in worlds. This config can be modified on running worlds and will be updated in real time.


View live information about the world. Currently available metrics are:

  • Connected Client count

  • FPS

Connect Page

The Connect Page may be used to access your world through the Dashboard. From here you can access it through streaming providers, (if configured), or client download, (if configured). This is particularly useful if you do not have an end user website configured yet and can only access worlds through the dashboard.

Last updated