๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธLoading Screen

You can change various parts of the game loading including:

  • Adding (skippable) splash images & videos

  • Changing fade in timers and colours

  • Other features configurable via live-config

Loading Screen

By default, when launching a client, users are met with this screen like this:

Splash image is determined by a hierarchy that can be modified either in your packaged editor, or from the dashboard itself. The way in which the image displayed is determined is as follows:

Image TypePriorityWhere to edit (see examples below)

World Image


Dashboard worlds tab

Mod Image


Dashboard mods tab

Map Image


Editor project settings -> M2 World Builder Data

Organisation Image


Dashboard settings tab (only with specific permissions)

Splash Images & Videos

There is a World Setting called "Splash Screen Display Data" that can be configured to show a series of images/videos before the player gains control of their character. This is commonly used to show publisher images & controls schemes. Any number of images & videos can be setup and they will be displayed in the order that you put into the world-settings' Splash Screen Display Data array.

Below shows an example, you can configure the fade in and out duration, how long the image is displayed for and make the image clickable. The clickable check box allows the image to be forced to be clicked before it moves onto the next screen, such as if you want the player to acknowledge that they have seen a control scheme image.

There is an example implementation of image and video splashes in the Feature Test Gym.

Standard Unreal File Media Source uassets are not compatible with the Mยฒ platform, you must instead use "M2 File Media Source" uassets.

Fade in timers and colours

When joining an experience the screen will fade from by default and then show the player. However there are some variables here that we can control. By default what this system does is check the player is grounded before we fade the screen in to make sure we are slightly falling from a player start being in the air. The variables we can change are below:

  • FadeInOverride (float) - This is how long we wait till we fade in regardless of them being on the ground (this is to make sure for whatever reason if the player is constantly falling that we don't stay on a black screen). Default 5.0 seconds.

  • FadeInTime (float) - This is how long the fade in takes to go from 1.0 - 0.0 opacity. Default 3.0 seconds.

  • FadeInHex (string) - This is the colour of the fade in screen. Default 000000FF.

Live Config

*DISCLAIMER* live-config is currently only available for internal use please reach out with any concerns or issues

There are some features that have been feature-flagged through live-config the list below will show you how to enable them and what they do.

  • ShowOriginVersion (bool) - When logging entering an experience the origin version will be shown in the bottom right. Default true.

  • SkipLegalScreens (bool) - At the beginning of the entry flow an Improbable branding / legal screen is displayed. This screen can be skipped. Default false.

  • ShowNowEnteringText (bool) - When entering an experience a text appears saying "now entering {experience name} this text can be toggled on and off. Default false.

  • SkipSplashScreens (bool) - Right before the players can start moving in game it will cycle through a list of splash screens such as publisher images. We can override these images and skip them using this flag. Default false.

  • SkipSignInConfirmationScreen (bool) - Right as the player loads the client we go through some sign in steps. Once the player signs in then a confirmation button is shown and a welcome message. This flag allows us to skip that step entirely and go straight into the experience. Default true.

Last updated