Advanced Graphics settings

Console commands

The following are some console commands that can be used to modify assorted graphical settings, e.g. to test out performance:

  • scalability [0-3] - sets all the below sg.* settings (except sg.ResolutionQuality) to the specified quality level (0: low, 1: medium, 2: high, 3: epic)

NOTE: There is a fifth quality level: 4: cinematic, but this is not suitable for real-time game rendering, and can lead to issues. We advise never setting these settings to 4, even though it exists.

  • sg.ViewDistanceQuality [0-3]

  • sg.AntiAliasingQuality [0-3]

  • sg.PostProcessQuality [0-3]

  • sg.ShadowQuality [0-3]

  • sg.GlobalIlluminationQuality [0-3]

  • sg.ReflectionQuality [0-3]

  • sg.TextureQuality [0-3]

  • sg.EffectsQuality [0-3]

  • sg.FoliageQuality [0-3]

  • sg.ShadingQuality [0-3]

  • sg.ResolutionQuality [X] - sets the resolution quality to X%. (100 being the max. If you go near to 0, it will look very extreme)

  • r.Vsync [0/1] - turns vsync on/off.

  • t.MaxFPS [X] - sets the maximum FPS to X. <= 0 will set it to uncapped

User Settings

If you want to modify them per user, and have them saved in their user settings, this can be achieved with the following helper functions in the J_GameUserSettings:

  • Get/SetOverallScalabilityLevel - same as the equibalent scalability command line: gets/sets the value of all the scalability settings at once, to one of the set scalability levels: 0: low, 1: medium, 2: high, 3: epic. (If the settings have been individually modified, the getter will return -1: custom)

  • IsVsyncEnabled/SetVsyncAndDefaultFrameLimiter - the helper combines "vsync on/off" with the default frame limiter - when on , we use a capped frame rate controlled by the J_GameUserSettings::DefaultFrameLimit config value. Otherwise, it uses an uncapped framerate.

  • Set/GetViewDistanceQuality - same as the command line

  • Set/GetAntiAliasingQuality

  • Set/GetPostProcessingQuality

  • Set/GetShadowQuality

  • Set/GetGlobalIlluminationQuality

  • Set/GetReflectionQuality

  • Set/GetTextureQuality

  • Set/GetVisualEffectsQuality

  • Set/GetFoliageQuality

  • Set/GetShadingQuality

  • Set/GetResolutionScaleNormalize - same as the equivalent command line, but uses a normalized value of [0-1] to be equivalent to [MinScaleValue-MaxScaleValue]

Each of these settings can be obtained using GetGameUserSettings, and saved using ApplySettings:

Last updated

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