๐Ÿ”ผUpload Content

Upload your Unreal maps from the editor.

Uploading the template content

After Downloading the editor and creating a project you can test the upload flow by uploading the example maps.

Click the Upload Content button in the toolbar.

This button will open the upload window as shown below:

Here you can configure:

  • An optional upload description, which is displayed in the dashboard.

  • The levels you want uploaded. Selecting fewer levels will take less time.

Once you're done, click the Upload button.

For your first upload, this will open a browser for authentication - make sure to use the account you used to login to the website.

After login the upload will begin, with the upload progress in the top-right showing the current progress of your content upload.

Once the upload completes, click the View upload in dashboard button:

This button will open the dashboard directly to your newly uploaded content and mod:

This displays page displays information about your mod and the version you just uploaded.

A Mod is a representation of your created Unreal content in our web platform.

When you first upload, we'll automatically created a new mod for you and your uploaded content will be the first version of your mod. After this first uploaded, your local Unreal project will automatically be updated with the mod ID so that your future uploads will become newer versions of your mod. Note - we only store the cooked version of your assets, not the raw versions, so this is not a replacement for proper version control (i.e. you can't download your project from the uploaded assets).

Click the ๐Ÿš€ Launch button (below your mod title) to launch a world using your content

Creating your own map

To create your own map, it's likely easiest to copy-paste one of the template maps, e.g. Meadow or Infinity Space

Rename it to distinguish it from the template maps.

Change something in the map to differ from the example map, e.g. copy-paste some Actors

For example, the below images shows:

  • having copied and renamed the Meadow map to MyFirstMap

  • double-click the map name to make sure it's open

  • copy-pasting the orange shelters so there's more than the 1 in the template Meadow map

Go to your project's Project Settings, and find M2 World Builder Data (under Game).

Add your map as an map under Settings->Maps

This section in Project Settings dictates what maps are visible in the web UI for any given version of a mod.

Click Upload Content again and follow the flow

In the web UI, you should see a new version of your mod with your map upload

After uploading your content, you should try and Worlds


You may encounter errors when uploading your content. When this happens, your upload will fail with a visible notice:

You should first check to see what the error was - scroll up in the output log and find any red text that indicates an error, or search for 'Error'.

In this example case, it shows how the error is caused by some blueprint changes, so fixing these assets locally would correct the failure and allow for a successful upload.

In the case the error persists and is hard to diagnose, please contact your support with a screenshot of this window and the output log.

Multiple plugins

LogWorldBuilderEditorUtils: Error: Multiple plugins found to upload.

This error occurs when you have more than one project plugin without OriginLibrary: true in the plugin descriptor.

A legacy restriction on the platform is that only one plugin is designated to be cooked and uploaded. This is no longer the case as dependencies are built from the maps selected for upload however the restriction of only one 'primary' plugin existing is still in place.

By default, all libraries created using the above flow will have this tag and do not need to be modified however, if you manually copy a new plugin into your project, you are likely to see this error.

To solve this error:

  • Open each .uplugin file within <your-project-dir>/plugins/ in a text editor

  • Ensure that all-but-one of your project plugins have the tag OriginLibrary: true

Last updated