Setup Play-in-Editor
Setting up the common classes
The assets present in Morpheus Platform are read only - in a downstream project, you cannot modify them, only extend from them, or use them as reference. Therefore if you want to modify different classes' behavior, or add extra functionality, you will need to make your own versions of the assets and use them instead. There are different ways of doing this:
Using the template project
If you create your project using the M² Base Project
, the majority of commonly overridden assets will be already made for you, e.g. BPM_Example_PlayerCharacter
. These will be writable, renamable etc. so can act as a starting point for your project.
For further details of this flow, see Using The Template Project.
When making a new project using the Morpheus Platform defaults, the following is a list of classes to consider making your own versions of, to extend the Morpheus Platform functionality whilst adding your own:
The assets below are what are made automatically for you by using the template project, so the simplest flow would be to start from there.
NOTE: Prior to V33, this would be BP_Origin_GameMode
Project Settings -> Default GameMode, or World Settings -> GameMode Override
NOTE: Prior to V36, this would be BP_Origin_PlayerController
In the Game Mode (Player Controller Class
NOTE: Prior to V36, this would be BP_Origin_PlayerCharacter
In the Game Mode (Player Morpheus Actor Class
NOTE: Prior to V25, this will have to be done via the PlayerSpawner
NOTE: Prior to V36, this would be BP_Origin_PlayerCharacter
Either via the Game Mode (Default Pawn Class
), or via the role's pawn set asset (see the further details)
NOTE: Prior to V27, this will only be possible via the pawn set asset
NOTE: Prior to V33, this would be BP_Origin_HUD
In the Game Mode (HUD Class
In the Game Mode blueprint (Morpheus Game State Class
NOTE: Prior to V33, this would be WBP_Origin_HUD
In your HUD BP
Not required as of V36)
World Settings -> Default Role & Data Tables
(Not required as of V31)
Project Settings -> Default Skin
(Not required as of V33)
In your Skin
In more detail:
The GameMode: This configures a bunch of the classes used in your level, e.g. the player controller and HUD classes outlined below. If you want to make a new game mode, it should extend
To apply your game mode, you can either modify per-level in your world settings, or modify the default in your project settings -> Maps & Modes.
The Character:
The PlayerController: Should extend
.The Morpheus Actor: The representation of a client's character that is used for replication. Should extend
.Prior to V25, the Player Morpheus Actor Class is not available from the game mode. Instead, to make sure your correct morpheus actor is spawned, you should also update the "Player Spawner". Use
as a base, and you can modify thePlayerMorpheusActorClass
field in it. This can then be set in your level's world settings
The Render Target Actor(s): The actual character spawned in-game to represent a player. Should extend
If you want to add further customization to the pawns used, e.g. wanting different roles to have different pawns, or want to make changes to the "animated crowd", you can configure them in your roles table's pawn set asset (the
Pawn Lod Level Set
field): (NOTE: Prior to V27 this flow is the only way to configure your render target actor)For a given role, its
controls what render target is used.If you make a new pawn set asset (copying the existing one), you can swap out its
Base Pawn
and LOD0Actor Class
The UI:
The HUD BP: The logic responsible for spawning the HUD, and managing our UI. An example has been made in
, which can be used as an example that can either be copied or extended.The HUD WBP: The actual HUD widget that contains the in-game UI. To use your own HUD widget, we recommend making a copy of
as a starting point. To use your new HUD, you can change the Game Layer Class in your HUD BP.
There are some other base classes in msquared that can be used as valid starting points, such as accessing the C++ directly (via PlayerController
, M2_CharacterBase
or M2M_CharacterBase
). However, these will be missing some of the expected Origin features, so only use these if you really know what you're doing.
The Roles table: This controls which roles are available to your players. If you want to modify this, make a copy of
. NOTE: The roles table has deprecated as of V36 (but will still be accessible if you are on a legacy project that still uses the "origin" assets). A simplified example will be added soon.
The following are no longer required as of V33, and aren't present in the example content. If you are a legacy project that still uses the "origin" assets, they may be of use to you:
The Skin: This is responsible for the styling of your UI etc. If you want your own skin, make a copy of
. For more details on skins, see How to use skins.The Settings table: When you open the "Escape Menu", this table dictates what is present in the UI. If you want to change this, you should make a copy of
, and set your skin asset'sSettings Skin Settings -> Settings Data Table
field to your new table.
Setting up the map
When making a new map, check the world settings, to make sure everything is as expected:
The GameMode Override: Make sure it points to your new game mode
The Roles table: You can configure the default role, and the roles table used here
The Singletons: There are a number of singleton actors that are spawned when the game is started, and enable various bits of Origin functionality. For more details on these, see Singletons.
In releases before V25, the
is one you may want to change - if you want to use a different morpheus actor, swap out the player spawner class with the one you created.
The MorpheusGameState class: This game state is similar to the unreal native game state, but with the benefit of being replicated by morpheus. Use this instead of unreal's game state
To set it up, go to your GameMode blueprint class and set it in the dropdown
To retrieve the morpheus game state, use the GetMorpheusGameState function
Changing animations
Your characters' animations are controlled in the ABP_M2_Human
. Making changes to your Animation Blueprint in a downstream project is unfortunately quite an involved process currently compared to native Unreal, due to needing to be applied to both actor render targets and the animated crowd. If you do want to do this, please get in touch!
Configuring to use MMLs
There are a currently a few workarounds required for full functionality (especially related to MMLs) when using Play-in-Editor functionality.
The following sections are current required to place MMLs when in Play-in-Editor mode - this requirement will be removed in a future update.
Ensure you're using the correct game mode
You need to be using the BP_Origin_GameMode
(configurable via world settings), or a game mode that is a child of this.
You may need also need to add this change to the template maps: InfinitySpace
and Meadow
. A fix for this will be rolled out in a future release.
Configuring Authentication
Local world authentication
By default, PIE sign-in is configured to use local-world sign in. This requires no configured by the user and should work immediately. You can check whether this setting is enabled by navigating to
Editor preferences
-> Sign in settings
-> Use Local World For PIE
If you disable this setting, you will need to Set up server credentials.
Set up server credentials
This is only relevant if you don't have local world authentication enabled.
In Editor Preferences, in the Sign-in settings
section, change your settings to reflect the following where:
Offline Mode
is NOT ticked
In the Editor, click on the "Editor Sign In" button on the toolbar
The Editor Sign In button will only appear if Local world authentication is not enabled
You will be requested to sign in with your Google Account in your main system browser. Once complete, you will be presented with a list of api keys:
The name will depend on the key your organization admin set up.
Select the key they instructed you to use and click "ok".
Set up client credentials
In Editor Preferences, in the Sign-in settings
section, change your settings to reflect the following where:
Offline Mode
is NOT tickedThe
Per Client Sign In Settings
property has theSingle Sign On
Last updated
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