Version History
New versions of the editor are aimed to be released every month.
Each editor release announcement below includes:
New feature highlights
Breaking changes (make sure you check when updating)
Known issues
See this guide on how to update your existing project to a new editor release.
Morpheus Platform Release v36
Please note v36 removes support for any build on v32.1 on Pixel Streaming.
We currently expect v36 to be the final major release before MSquared transitions to Unreal 5.5, which is anticipated to bring significant improvements.
To minimize disruption, we strongly recommend upgrading your project to v36 in preparation for this change.
Static MML rendering with Carnival
MML geometry can now be rendered at scale using Carnival, unlocking new possibilities such as:
Configurable per-model parameters, including LOD levels, custom depth settings, and more.
Trigger volumes for handling overlapping events.
Optional physics interactions and visibility to raycasts.
UE basic name and chat moderation
Basic Unreal chat and nameplate moderation is now included in example assets, and are both turned on by default. Unreal chat moderation is configurable by setting the game live config value "EnableBasicModeration" to true or false. You can also find a list of profanity that is moderated out in live config, and tweak these to your needs.
Nameplate moderation uses the same profanity list, and can be turned on and off via the Settings Menu blueprint (you will need to make your own copy of WBP_M2Example_SettingsMenu
in the content folder and adapt this).
Enable Spatial Crowd Audio muting
Spatial Crowd Audio can now be globally muted.
Please note that it is not possible to mute an individual in the crowd.
Visual fixes for scaled characters
Fixes have been implemented for incorrect rendering of large-scaled characters, which previously caused:
Clipping through the landscape.
Incorrect normal maps.
Morpheus Platform Release v35
Please note v35 removes support for any build on v31 on Pixel Streaming.
Nameplate simplification
Nameplates have been simplified, allowing for a Blueprint-only implementation. An example has been provided in M2 Example.
AI State Tree support for bots
AI State Trees can now be used and MSquared-specific documentation is available here:
Morpheus Platform Release v34.1.1
Please note v34.1.1 removes support for any build on v30 on Pixel Streaming.
Added experimental WebUI plugin
Support for the WebUI plugin has been added, allowing users to create web UIs which are embedded into Unreal and can talk back to the main game.
An example has been provided in the Example Map for you to experiment with. Currently this feature only works on Windows and can have a significant performance impact, but it is under active development and will continue improving over the coming releases.
Initial documentation can be found here:
Standardised approach to animations using M² Skeleton
The bone translation retargeting settings have been changed in the M² Skeleton, which is the skeleton used when loading MML avatars. Most of the bones are now set to use the Skeleton's translations, instead of the animation's translations, which should make M²'s animations more compatible with custom avatars.
Removed legacy Analytics API
Given the limitations imposed on our customers by using our platformâs analytics, the decision was made that we should avoid projects implementing analytics with our existing system. We're now providing a viable off-ramp which allows customers to handle their own analytics using JSON. More details can be found here:
Morpheus Platform Release v33
Note: There is a known issue with the base release (v33.0.0
), which has been fixed in hotfix version v33.0.2
: Some M2 assets fail to package correctly
Please note v33 removes support for any build on v28.0.0 on Pixel Streaming.
Removed 'WebBrowserWidget' and 'WebBrowserNativeProxy' modules
Affected Features: Web Browser
Whatâs broken and why?
Removed the 'WebBrowserWidget' and 'WebBrowserNativeProxy' modules as the the WebUI plugin has replaced this functionality.
How to fix it?
If using the Web Browser Widget, replace the instance with a Web Interface from the WebUI plugin. The API should be the same.
How to test it?
Play in PIE and see the web browser widget working as before.
Carnival ViewDistanceQuality Settings Rename
Affected Features: Carnival
Whatâs broken and why?
Carnival scalability settings for quality of meshes have been renamed in favour of model-driven new approach. This means that if any project overridden the Carnival scalability settings, they will not apply anymore, and need to be removed or renamed in favour of the new ones, which are found in BaseScalability.ini file, under ViewDistanceQuality sections.
How to fix it?
If ViewDistanceQuality scalability settings are overridden in a project, they need to match new namings found in BaseScalability.ini file, under ViewDistanceQuality sections.
How to test it?
Only the new cvars present in ViewDistanceQuality sections will have an impact on Carnival visual quality.
Removed ChatGPT node functionality
Affected Features: ChatGPT
Whatâs broken and why?
Removed the ChatGPT nodes as they are no longer supported.
How to fix it?
Remove the references to all now-invalid ChatGPT nodes.
How to test it?
Ensure project runs as expected.
Removed Remote Viewer related Live Config schema
Affected Features: Remote Viewers
Whatâs broken and why?
As Remote Viewers has been non-functional for several versions, we are now taking the time to clean up our live config schema as well. This means there are a number of values no longer present by default in game schema:
How to fix it?
These were not functional in M2. If you are using these values elsewhere in your own project, please add them to your own Game override Live Config Schema. The recommendation is you copy these values from the old schema before updating, if you find you need these.
How to test it?
Ensure project functions as before.
Removed Legacy Live Config settings from Editor Preferences
Affected Features: Legacy Live Config (Live Config v1)
Whatâs broken and why?
The Legacy Live Config settings are no longer visible in Editor Preferences. We have a new version of Live Config (see Release Notes for v19.1.1). This change was only removing the exposed options of a defunct system.
How to fix it?
If you are still keeping values in this area of the Editor Preferences, please look over the Live Config docs and ensure you have configured your values correctly in the currently supported system before taking this update.
How to test it?
Ensure project behaves as expected once migrating any old values to the current version of Live Config.
Removed failover hook
Affected Features: Networking
Whatâs broken and why?
Iâve removed the event FailoverBeginPlay from Morpheus Actor. It was part of server failover, a half-implemented feature left over from 2022, and now deleted. Itâs very unlikely to be used in any customer projects.
How to fix it?
Remove FailoverBeginPlay event nodes from blueprints that inherit from Morpheus Actor.
How to test it?
Ensure project builds and runs as expected. Errors will report:
Removed references and assets for Remote Viewers
Affected Features: Remote Viewers
Whatâs broken and why?
Following assets removed:
References to these have been removed from BP_Origin_GameMode and the following maps:
Remote Viewer roles were removed from DT_Origin_Roles
How to fix it?
The feature has been non-functional for several versions, there is no way to fix âRemote Viewersâ but you may have to replace references to classes listed above if they have been used elsewhere for non-Remote Viewer related things.
Reach out to Solutions if there is need for âRemote Viewerâ functionality going forward.
How to test it?
Ensure project builds and runs as expected.
Removed SkipSignInConfirmationScreen from Game Live Config
Affected Features: Boot flow / sign in
Whatâs broken and why?
Default Live Config schema no longer has Game value EntryFlow.SkipSignInConfirmationScreen because it was no longer functional or needed by core M2 platform
How to fix it?
Add the following to you Game schema under EntryFlow
How to test it?
This isnât used in M2 so we cannot say how it should work for you, but you can check it works as expected in the context of your project by restoring the value and checking that WBP_SignInScreen works as expected, or any other project specific locations you have also used this value for.
Deprecated legacy M2 GameModes
Affected Features: Unreal maps/modes
Whatâs broken and why?
We have deprecated BP_GameMode and BP_Origin_GameMode. All functionality running on these game modes are implementable in project space now, so for greater transparency and ease of use, we've moved both into deprecated.
How to fix it?
If you have either selected as your global project game mode, open "ProjectSettings > Maps & Modes" and reselect your GameMode from the Default Game Mode dropdown.
How to test it?
Cook your project successfully. If you have a bad game mode selected you'll see the following error:
Morpheus Platform Release v32
Latest Binary Version 32.0.0
Please note v32 removes support for any build on v27.0.0 on Pixel Streaming.
Improved API for interest level changes for replicated properties
Users previously encountered challenges when attempting to apply net-foreground-only or net-midground-only status effects, such as displaying a specific attachment exclusively in the midground. These effects were inherently implemented using foreground or midground variables and OnReps. However, when a player transitioned to a lower network level, the status effect persisted unintentionally.
To address this, we delivered an API designed for this use case, promoting a design pattern that ensures status effects are properly canceled and re-enabled in response to changes in the network level. While the Morpheus Actor already included a NetworkLevelChangedEvent
event, we enhanced functionality by introducing more granular, property-specific handlers to provide finer control.
Morpheus Platform Release v31
Latest Binary Version 31.0.0
Please note v31 removes support for any build on v26.0.0 on Pixel Streaming.
Background character inspection
We've exposed the Raycastable System configurations to be in blueprints, specifically the raycastable prioritization config.
We demonstrated this by adding more functionality to the Morpheus Inspector:
Allow the users to force Morpheus Actors into Foreground
Allow users to select Crowd Members via mouse clicks utilizing the Raycastable system.
Documentation is available in the Raycastables system page.
Morpheus Platform Release v30
Latest Binary Version 30.0.0
Please note v30 removes support for any build on v25.0.0 on Pixel Streaming.
Support for multiple unique video streams with Millicast
Although users have been able to create multiple Millicast streams, this feature was experimental and could lead to crashes and low performance due to consuming significant amounts of RAM and VRAM. We've improved this significantly and two simultaneous Millicast streams are fully supported on scales of up to 15000 CCU.
Using more than two Millicast screens is possible and is unlikely to cause out of memory issues, but it is unsupported by MSquared and downstream projects need to test their use case and target hardware.
Support for microphone on Mac
Crowd audio is now fully supported on Mac. The user can now listen to other players, talk with them and configure the input audio device.
This required considerable changes and we are keen to receive feedback on your experience, particularly on audio quality.
Improved Mac performance
We have been focusing on improving Mac performance across the board, focusing on the Mac Studio M2 Ultra (at 5000 CCU) and MacBook Air M2 (at 1000 CCU).
Morpheus Platform Release v29
Latest Binary Version 29.0.0
Please note v29 removes support for any build on v22.0.0 on Pixel Streaming.
Flexible HTTPS & WebSocket Library for Unreal
v29 introduces a HTTPS and WebSocket blueprint library for Unreal that can be used to interact with a wide range of external services, with flexible authentication, JSON serialization / deserialization, retries, error handling, etc. This is to support Projects implementing more complex integrations with web services from the Unreal Client and Server.
Itâs also been designed in a way where M2 Web Platform services can be interacted with from this library vs. from bespoke Unreal APIs, creating a single way of interacting with any external web service.
If you have any questions around this functionality, please reach out to your support engineer.
MML Avatars by default
v29 introduces MML avatars as default avatars to be used in experiences.
The old ModularCharacter system and scheme sets have been removed
By default, players will load their MML avatar from their profile
If this fails or there isnât one, itâll load the Default MML URL which is a configurable field on the
. By default this is blank.Projects should set a suitable default MML and/or pawn mesh in their own character blueprints.
Please note that in v30 the JM_ModularCharacterComponent
will be marked as deprecated and removed for use. This will be marked as a breaking change in the v30 release notes.
Reach out to your support engineer if you have any questions.
Tooling to test LOD/ network level transitions
v29 introduces in-editor tooling to detect issues with:
crowd members
background network levels
transitioning between foreground and respective background versions
Previously, projects could test these manually by setting live config and connection parameters, but this wasn't utilised much.
There is now in-editor tooling for highlighting these issues and automated techniques to shift network and rendering levels so these issues are revealed immediately.
Reach out to your support engineer if you have any questions.
Morpheus Platform Release v28
Latest Binary Version 28.0.0
Please note v28 removes support for any build on v21.0.0 on Pixel Streaming.
Crowd Audio settings exposed in BP
Crowd audio parameters have now been exposed in Blueprints to allow enhanced crowd audio customisation.
Documentation can be found here but please reach out to your support engineer if you have any questions:
NFT socketed attachments via MML
Previously the M² platform assumed that any MML NFT was an Avatar. v28 introduces support for NFT MML objects to be "socketed" meaning they can be used as accessories.
Feel free to reach out to your support engineer with any questions.
Morpheus Platform Release v27
Latest Binary Version 27.0.0
Please note v27 removes support for any build on v22.0.0 on Pixel Streaming.
MSquared Character Configuration
Previously, M² devs had to dig through Avatar scheme sets and understand complex new abstraction layers to change their character pawn. In v27 this is now more aligned to Vanilla Unreal.
Documentation can be found here:
Custom Animation Variables
Developers are now able to use new animation variables, outside of the default, to control your Animation Blueprint.
Documentation can be found here:
Realtime KV Store
v27 adds ReadKeys & UpsertKeys to the Key Value Store service; exposing the ability to read & write directly to the kvstore instead of needing to use the UserDataSystem.
This works with all kvstore scopes (organization, project, world), as well as the Server/Client Authority store types.
In summary, this feature allows for the KV Store to be immediately responsive.
Morpheus Platform Release v26
Latest Binary Version 26.0.0
Please note v26 removes support for any build on v21.0.0 on Pixel Streaming.
Morpheus Platform Release v25
Latest Binary Version 25.0.0
Web Socket Connections
Users are now able to interact with web socket servers from Blueprints allowing connections to a web socket server to send/receive Json messages from Blueprint.
Documentation can be found here:
Create New Object Definitions
You can now create objects using the M2_WebPlatformUserCollectionsService. This can be done on servers or clients. If done on clients, the object will also be added to the user collection for the authorised user.
Documentation can be found here:
Changes to BP_Origin_PlayerController
Less of a feature and more of an FYI -
Prior to V25, the Player Morpheus Actor Class is not available from the game mode. Instead, to make sure your correct morpheus actor is spawned, you should also update the "Player Spawner".
Documentation on the changes can be found here: Morpheus Platform Release v24
Latest Binary Version 24.0.0
Improved Template Project
The v24 Base Project now comes with a number of starting assets which can be freely modified and experimented with, such as:
Approachable Controls
Inventory & Quick Tabs
Place Mode
And More!
Documentation on this feature can be found here:
Morpheus Platform Release v23
Latest Binary Version 23.0.0
Blueprint HTTP Functionality
We have introduced a new system that enables Blueprints to call, command and interact with external API's via HTTP. This is the first version of this system with updates to come in future releases which will expand on current capabilities.
Docs on how to use this new system and current limitations can be found here:
We have also provided some walkthroughs and guidance below:
How to configure external URL access:
Walkthrough example:
An example counter service:
How to validate identity:
OBS Integration for Advance Broadcast Tooling
M² now includes an integration with OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) in order to help you stream high-quality footage of your experience in real-time to platforms such as Twitch, TikTok or YouTube.
Docs on how to use this can be found here:
Notification System
A new notifications system has been included which has the ability to queue and display notifications passed to clients as packed structs.
Information of current capabilities and customisation options can be found in the documentation:
Improved Upload Interface
Uploading content from the M² Editor has a new and improved interface and experience.
Multiple interfaces have been combined for easier observation of your upload progress as well as providing better observability of upload errors.
For more information please see:
Morpheus Platform Release v22
Latest Binary Version 22.0.0
Player Contextual Actions
Users can their select the target user in the social panels on the Web Portal or in world.
Users can directly select the target users avatar.
Once selected, users can select options from a contextual menu for example:-
Inspect Profile
Add/Remove friend
invite to Party
Travel to their Location
Trade Options
Shows the ability to add and adjust contextual actions that are available when other users are selected in the world.
Last updated
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