User Profile
Manages user profiles
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Manages user profiles
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Updates the profile of the user making the request. If the user does not have a profile, one will be created. The profile picture and avatar of a user can be unset using this endpoint.
The endpoint accepts a JSON object as body, which allows upserting various fields of the user's profile. An image from the user's collection can be set a profile picture by sending its datasource and object definition IDs in the body.
The endpoint also accepts a file (image) in binary format as body, which will be uploaded and saved as the user's profile picture. The Content-Type header has to be set to 'multipart/form-data' when sending a file.
The ID of an organization
The username of a user. It might have restricted length and characters, based on the organization's settings.
This field is populated by a middleware when a file is sent as body. It should not be set by the client.
The datasource ID and object definition ID of the profile picture object. If null, the profile picture will be unset.
The datasource ID and object definition ID of the avatar object. If null, the avatar will be unset.
This endpoint adds the provided list of usernames to the (possibly already existing) denylist. If a username is already in use, it is replaced with the provided replacement username. The request must contain a list of pairs of usernames: one to be added to the denylist, and the other to replace it if it is already in use. If a username is already in the denylist, it is skipped.
This operation can be totally or partially successful. If some usernames could not be added to the denylist, the response will contain a list of those usernames.
None of the usernames in the request need to obey the restrictions regarding length and allowed characters.
Important note: denylists rely on unique usernames being enforced at the organization level.
The ID of an organization
The replacement username if the username is already in use
No body
This endpoint removes the provided list of usernames from the denylist. If a username is in use and therefore cannot be removed from the denylist, it is skipped and returned as part of the response.
Important note: denylists rely on unique usernames being enforced at the organization level.
The ID of an organization
This endpoint replaces the current denylist with the provided list of usernames. If the operation cannot be completed due to some usernames already being in use, the response will contain a list of those usernames. In this case, the denylist will not be modified, and an admin can first overwrite the usernames being used (see the POST api/profile/deny endpoint), and then try again.
None of the usernames in the request need to obey the restrictions regarding length and allowed characters.
Important note: denylists rely on unique usernames being enforced at the organization level.
The ID of an organization
No body