๐Ÿ—“๏ธPlatform Release Process

This page provides an overview of the MSquared Platform release process and Release Calendar so you know what to expect as a user ingesting a release into your project.

MSquared aims to release a new version of the Unreal Platform every 2 weeks.

All releases go through vigorous testing to not only ensure that all new features added are working correctly, but to also ensure that no regressions have been introduced to existing feature sets or overall platform stability and performance.

See this guide on how to update your existing project to a new MSquared release.

Release notes can be found here and are organised into the following sections:


These are the new and exciting features introduced as part of a Platform release.

Breaking Changes

Releases may introduce "Breaking Changes" which are changes which could cause issue with your project. We advise that you read through all breaking changes between the last release version you took and the one you are looking to ingest to minimise risk to your project.

Known Issues

MSquared endeavour to resolve all issues found during release testing - we sometimes release with minor issues to functionality that we deem acceptable. Please read through these to see if anything will affect your project.


We capture and provide performance data as part of each release to ensure that a new platform release does not cause any degradation to performance. Releases are tested against our standard Graphics Delivery Network offerings (Nvidia GFN and Ubitus) with Mac and PC native client coming soon.

If you have any suggestions on any additional areas of reporting, or improvements to existing release note areas please feel free to contact us via your named support engineer.


Features will either be delivered via a MSquared Platform Release or via our evergreen web platform. A list of all features and what month they are due to be delivered (either in the first or second release of the month) can be found on our Public Roadmap.

Navigate this using the tabs at the top - if you are an Enterprise user you can reach out to your support engineer to ask when a feature is due to be delivered as well as suggest ideas for us to add to our roadmap!

Last updated