Animated Crowd Console Commands

Live Config

JunoGameData.SetValue game PlayerClient.Rendering.NumInLoD0 0: Forces all players apart from your local player into the crowd.

JunoGameData.SetValue game PlayerClient.Rendering.ForceSkeletalCrowdFrustumCulling <0/1>: Forces skeletal frustum on or off locally.

Animated Crowd

AnimatedCrowd.Debug.DrawBoxes 1: Draws debug bounding boxes on instance in the animated crowd. Due to performance, boxes will be drawn for a subset of the crowd at once.

AnimatedCrowd.Debug.MaxBoxes n: Configures the number of debug boxes to be drawn.

AnimatedCrowd.Debug.ScanSpeed n: Configures the speed for drawing each subset of the crowd.

Skeletal Crowd

SkeletalCrowd.Debug.VisualizeLoDs 1: Enables a debug view of each LoD. Each LoD will have its material be overridden to use a material from DebugLodMaterials as a visualization. DebugLodMaterials must be non empty for this to work.

SkeletalCrowd.Debug.ForcePrototypeVF 1: Enables the prototype vertex factory.

SkeletalCrowd.Debug.ExclusiveLoD n: If n is a valid LoD index, then only that LoD will be rendered and all other LoDs will be culled.

SkeletalCrowd.Debug.DumpMemoryUsage: Dump memory usage for all USkeletalCrowdComponents.

  • --verbose will enable more verbose memory usage dumps

SkeletalCrowd.Debug.DrawFrustum 1: Draws the view frustum that is used for frustum culling.

SkeletalCrowd.Debug.DrawBoundingSpheres 1: Draws the bounding sphere used for frustum culling around each instance. This is very expensive on a large crowd!

Crowd Anim Blueprint

CrowdAnimBlueprint.VerboseCompilerWarnings 1: Enables verbose compiler warning for Crowd Anim Blueprint.

CrowdAnimBlueprint.DumpCompilerOutput 1: Dumps the output (AST, IL, Bytecode) from Crowd Anim Blueprint compiler to the logs.\

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