Importing an NFT collection

Using MML Avatars with your Web3 NFT Collections

In order to setup your NFT collection to work in experience, you will need to do the following steps:

  1. Make the Avatar Assets for each NFT in MML

  2. Host the MML and any GLBs needed in a public bucket

  3. Reference the MML from the NFT

Note: The ideal implementation will need access to change the NFT collections metadata, please reach out if this is not possible as we maybe able to setup a referral service.

Making MML Avatars

All assets need to be in the GLB format and match our Skeleton, using the import pipeline we have setup. See Creating MML Avatars with Blender and Free Rigging Tools for the correct skeleton and format.

From v21 of the platform, we also support DRACO compressed glTFs and GLBs

To make a collection made up of individual traits, you can either "bake" the GLB, or you can rig the parts of the NFT to use the same skeleton, and use MML to compose them into a unique Avatar.

<m-character src="">
	<m-model type="Head" src=""></m-model>
	<m-model type="Hat" src=""></m-model>

Reference the MML from the NFT

Note: We will need to add your collection to an allow-list so let us know if you plan to add it

When we have user Web3 Wallet Connection enabled, we scan the NFTs owned by the Wallet and look for an MML link, and use this to add an Avatar to your collection. Include this by adding the relevant MML URL to the NFT definition, using the mml tag.

  "attributes": [
      "trait_type": "Head",
      "value": "Round"
      "trait_type": "Hat",
      "value": "Crown"
  "image": "",
  "mml": ""

Testing NFT MML Avatars

Once you have connected your Wallet, you will both see the avatars in your and then in experience via the drop down in the pause menu.

Last updated